50.定温干燥箱 Constant Temperature Drying Ovens角形真空定温干燥器
Vacuum Drying Ovens恒温恒湿器 Constant Temperature and Humidity Chambers流水线设备 In-Line System for Underfill Adhesive and Encapsulation
机械英语词汇:50.定温干燥箱 Constant Temperature Drying Ovens角形真空定温干燥器 Vacuum Drying Ovens恒温恒湿器 Constant Temperature and Humidity Chambers流水线设备 In-Line System for Underfill Adhesive and Encapsulation 来自十环网资料库-建筑材料英文词汇与建筑材料英文单词,机械物流术语英语词汇 栏目中的 50.定温干燥箱 Constant Temperature Drying Ovens角形真空定温干燥器 Vacuum Drying Ovens恒温恒湿器 Constant Temperature and Humidity Chambers流水线设备 In-Line System for Underfill Adhesive and Encapsulation 英文单词;